How to Project in a Dome?
Projection in a dome or a planetarium or a rounded shape is not new. Walther Bauersfeld was the first person to develop a projector planetarium while he was employed at the Carl Zeiss firm. Since then, the projection technology has evolved by leaps and bounds. Nowadays, dome mapping is used in dome projection. In the field of dome projection, Paul Bourke was an expert. Difference due to variation in projection systems Resolution capacity of the projection system. Color space differences of white point, gamma, and temperature. Dome surface characteristic and reflectivity. Truncated fisheye vs. full fisheye projection. Dome projection system contrast is typically measured as the luminance ratio between black and white .it is very difficult to judge the importance given that the human visual system can adapt across a wide range of brightness. Contact ratios, as said by the projector manufacturers, generally mean little when applies to full-dome projection. ...